F Zero Photography

The kind of photo books I’d like to see

26.6. 2024

Maybe, just maybe, I have located where my interest in photo books is. At least right now. I am not really interested in popular, traditional ones, the industry ones, that everybody talks about, that are printed on best paper and bound in “green hardcover” and that are more expensive every month on the “second hand” market after they are immediately sold out.

Of course I would like to flip through them, see what they have to tell. But my real interest is in other kind of books.

Books, or whatever other form, of photos darkroom printed by hand, somehow bound together. Maybe of photos that you and I and every other “average Joe” makes along the way of life. Maybe the publication would be made organically enough, that if maker decides to make more than one, every other would be slightly, or very, different.

In my last post I said I feel like the print itself is not the end of the performance and this is the continuation of the performance. To search for the form of how pictures wants to be bound together, to experiment and experience, to create the thing.

One example of what I am talking about stand out to me – it is of Joe Van Cleave as he shows it on his channel here at the time 22:40.

Again, this is just one possible forms of many and I would like to find and see many many more original and unsuspected hand made designs and forms of collections of photos. And hopefully create some myself.